
our encourgement, our hope - thank you Brighthaven

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Welcome to me

Mr Peeps

I don't remember when I was born, but it was between 1995 - 2000.

I was living at the local animal shelter (Mendocino County Animal Shelter) when I picked my current house mates. It was easy as pie. They came in to the cat room and I just walked right over to the man and climbed up on his shoulder and purred.

It worked!!!!

I have been living with them since 2005.

I also live with three dogs (Rain, Cali & Marlee) and three other cats (Big Kitty, Jester & Bramble) - I pretty much keep to myself but am a friendly guy-really.

On August 13th 2008 I was diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) - this is my story.

Most of the time my mom will be telling this story...sometimes I'll put in my two cents worth ;-)

See my lab results at the very end of my blog.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Too hot to eat?

Pissed about dinner tonight - 8/26/08

So, this afternoons meal was refused for the most part.

The weather took a turn for HOT again today and worse tomorrow through the end of the week - low to mid 100's

I was only able to convince him to eat some meat with vitamin B but that was all.

Since his calcium level is not too high (10.2) I plan on using an eggshell/calcium based Phosphorus binder to help lower his Phosphorus number (10.2) - I will give this three times a week for two weeks - until his next test. Then consider a different approach if necessary (based on new test results)

initial crunch I cracked three eggs for the dogs today and rinsed the shells, baked in the oven at 350F for about 8 minutes and then ground up into eggshell powder-
Fine ground

The grind

I will be offering him ground beef, 1 tsp eggshell and 2 tbsp catnip infusion early tomorrow morning when I get home from work.

I'm working off of a base from Dr. Pitcairn's book

Feline Diet For Kidney Problems

3/4 pound (1 1/2 cups) ground chicken (with skin) or turkey
4 cups cooked white rice, enriched
4 eggs
2 tablespoons cold-pressed safflower,soy,or corn oil
3 teaspoons Animal Essentials Calcium (or a scant 2 teaspoons eggshell powder)
1/4 teaspoon iodized salt
1 teaspoon parsley (a natural diuretic, optional)
5,000 IU vitamin A
2,000 milligrams vitamin C (1/2 teaspoon sodium ascorbate)
taurine and other cat vitamins (about 5 days worth-we want to add at least 250 mg taurine to this recipe amount)
50 milligram level B-complex (or 5-10 milligrams per day)

Note : you may have check around to get vitamins- they are almost always avail from your vet, but I wouldn't switch around supplements, or types or forms of say calcium, in the case of a kidney friendly diet...

Mix everything together in a large bowl. Serve raw if the cat will accept it. otherwise, mix all but the vitamins together, bake about twenty minutes in a moderate oven, and then wait until it cools to mix in the vitamins. Your cat may have a poor appetite, so to some extent you will need to cater to him to keep him alive. Occasionally, substitute 1 to 3 teaspoons of liver for part of the meat. Be sure to provide plenty of fresh, pure (bottled or filtered) at all times. Also encourage drinking by providing meat or fish broth warm once or twice a day.
Feed as much as your cat will eat-this makes 5-6 days worth of food for the average cat.

I am mixing much smaller batches and have substituted a few ingredients

Also, Mr. Peeps will be made to come in side during the hot day tomorrow - which means moving into the large dog kennel with a bed, fresh water and a kitty paper/box. He won't like this a bunch but he can't be trusted in the house loose and it's way too hot - I can see it take a toll on him.

I have also skipped two days of subcutaneous fluids - because he had been eating well, 2 meals a day, although small, he still ate good. Tomorrow he will have his fluid treatment even if he doesn't like it!

Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since diagnosis - we have 1 more week to work on diet and trying to get his numbers down.

Listening to: The Nightwatchman - No One Left
via FoxyTunes

No comments:

Mr. Peeps' labs - a complete look


Result Ref. Range H/L

Reticulocyte Count 0.7 0 - 1 %
Absolute Reticulocyte 37870 0 - 50000 / MM3
*an absolute Reticulocyte count greater than 50,000/mm3 of blood is considered evidence of regenerative anemia.


Alk. Phosphatase 10 0 - 62 U/L
ALT. (SGPT) 29 28 - 100 U/L
AST (SGOT) 25 5 - 55 U/L
CK 573 64 - 440 U/L H
GGT 1 0 - 6 U/L
Albumin 2.9 2.3 - 3.9 g/dL
Total Protein 8.5 5.9 - 8.5 g/dL
Globulin 5.6 3.0 - 5.6 g/dL
Total Bilirubin 0.2 0.0 - .4 mg/dL
Direct Bilirubin 0.1 0.0 - .2 mg/dL
BUN 114 / 114
15 - 34 mg/dL H
Creatinine 6.1 / 5.4
.8 - 2.3 mg/dL H
Cholesterol 245
82 - 218 mg/dL H
Glucose 79 70 - 150 mg/dL
Calcium 10.2 8.2 - 11.8 mg/dL
Phosphorus 10.2 / 8
3.0 - 7.0 mg/dL H
TCO2 (Bicarbonate) 11 13 - 25 mEq/l L
Chloride 115 111 - 125 mEq/L
Potassium 4.4 3.9 - 5.3 mEq/L
Sodium 150 147 - 156 mEq/L
A/G Ratio 0.5 .4 - .8
B/C Ratio 18.7

Indirect Bilirubin 0.1 0 - .3 mg/dL
NA/K Ratio 34

Hemolysis Index N

Lipemia Index N

Anion Gap 28 13 - 27 mEq/L H
T4 1.9 .5 - 5.8 ug/dL

WBC 12.5 4.2 - 15.6 Thous./uL
RBC 5.41 6.0 - 10.0 Million/uL L
HGB 8.2 9.5 - 15 g/dL L
HCT 26.4 / 20
29 - 45 % L
MCV 49 41 - 58 fL
MCH 15.2 11.0 - 17.5 pg
MCHC 31.1 29 - 36 g/dL
Neutrophil SEG 84 35 - 75 % H
Lymphocytes 8 20 - 55 % L
Monocytes 2 1 - 4 %
Eosinophil 6 2 -12 %
Basophil 0 0 - 1 %
Auto Platelet 410 170 - 600 Thous./uL
*Viewed microscopically - no feline hemotropic mycoplasmas seen/Neutrophils appear slightly toxic/Slight Howel Jolly bodies


Neutrophil SEG 10500

Lymphocyte 1000
Monocyte 250

Eosinophil 750

Basophil 0


Color Yellow

Clarity Hazy

Specific Gravity 1.014

Glucose Neg

Bilirubin Neg

Ketones Neg

Blood Neg

PH 6

Protein Neg Neg-Trace
WBC 0-2 0 - 5 HPF
RBC None 0 - 5 HPF
Bacteria Marked (>40/HPF) HPF
EPI Cell Rare (0-1) HPF
Mucus 1+

Casts None HPF
Crystals None HPF
Other Lipid droplets present

Urobilinogen Normal

Thank you Helen

Thank you Helen
for all your hard work on providing us with information on Feline Chronic Renal Failure (CRF)

How to "Subcutaneous fluids"

Mom & Grandpa's Bonanzle!!!