August 13th 2008
BUN = 114
[15-34 mg/dL]
Creatinine = 6.1
Creatine kinase (CK) = 573
[64-440 U/L]
Phosphorus = 10.2
[3-7 mg/dL]
TCO2/Bicarbonate = 11
Cholesterol = 245
Calcium = 10.2
RBC = 5.41
[6-10 million/uL]
HGB = 8.2
9.5-15 g/dL]
HCT = 26.4
MCV = 49
[41-58 fL]
MCH = 15.2
[11-17.5 pg]
Neutrophil SEG = 84
Lymphocytes = 8
Reticulocyte count = .7
Absolute Reticulocyte = 37870
(non-regenerative anemia)
[xx-xx] = normal ranges
Blue = low
Red = high
Green = normal
I'm still trying to understand them all.
The vet says "the BUN / Creatinine / Phosphorus & HCT matter.
I asked about the CK = HIGH - don't worry about that number - I must do more research on this number.
My next step is to look into a natural Phosphorus binder.
Listening to: Burial - Archangel
via FoxyTunes
Yes, I find it so frustrating when vets say "don't worry about that". Why not? Tell me why I shouldn't worry about that. Looks like poor Mr. Peeps has had a rough go of are doing a fantastic job.
Thank dp
very true
I'm on a search for someone who has experience with the natural progression of life - not a vet - but someone who truly cares about the well being of the being.
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