
our encourgement, our hope - thank you Brighthaven

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Welcome to me

Mr Peeps

I don't remember when I was born, but it was between 1995 - 2000.

I was living at the local animal shelter (Mendocino County Animal Shelter) when I picked my current house mates. It was easy as pie. They came in to the cat room and I just walked right over to the man and climbed up on his shoulder and purred.

It worked!!!!

I have been living with them since 2005.

I also live with three dogs (Rain, Cali & Marlee) and three other cats (Big Kitty, Jester & Bramble) - I pretty much keep to myself but am a friendly guy-really.

On August 13th 2008 I was diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) - this is my story.

Most of the time my mom will be telling this story...sometimes I'll put in my two cents worth ;-)

See my lab results at the very end of my blog.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Questions for the vet

"Open Wide"

Yup, we have 'em

1- what was/is his weight?

2- what is/was his blood pressure?

3- what do the remarks of "Neutrophisl appear slightly toxic, slight Howell Jolly bodies" mean?

4- are we sure it's not diabetes? ketoacidosis?

5- what about our raw diet vs protein levels?
"BUN:creatinine ratio

If your cat is eating a low protein diet, this ratio is likely to be in the region of 10:1 or 12:1 (e.g. if creatinine is US 4, BUN is likely to be around 40-48). Since BUN is affected by dietary intake, if your cat is eating a higher protein diet, this ratio will be higher, with 18:1 or 20:1 not unusual (e.g. if creatinine is US 4, BUN will be around 80-96)."

5- what natural options are there for potassium supplements?

6- TCO2 levels = metabolic acidosis? treatments?

  • 10 fluid ounces (0.3l) of water

  • 2 tbsps powdered glucose (available from chemists)

  • 1 pinch of salt

  • 1 pinch of bicarbonate of soda

7- does he/or should he be on iron supplements?

8- methylcobalamin vs. cyanocobalamin - b-12

9- can we get a prescription to buy sub-q fluids online?

10- how was his last blood draw? did he fight it?
If a cat undergoes a stressful blood draw, the test results may show a high neutrophil count (an increase in segs rather than bands) with a low lymphocyte count; in such cases, you might also see elevated CK levels

11- no protein in his urine? why?

12- how did/do his kidneys feel & where are they?

13- what can be done for his tooth without anesthesia?

14- does he have non-regenerative anemia?

15- any herbs/treatments you recommend?

16- should we stop doing anything?

Things we've noticed

-at first, lots of burps.... no more burbs
-foul breath
-obvious pain when touching tooth area
-dropping of food when eating
-preference for liquid foods, however will eat chopped chicken necks and whole quail
-main food of choice = 15-20% ground beef
-bony backbone at first-no longer bony
-obvious lump on side, near spine - mostly gone now
-thick, sticky saliva
-fluids absorb within the hour
-one night of incontinence
-no real odor to urine
-decent appetite

vitamins / herbs incorporated in diet

fluids = 100 - 200ml per treatment

-vitamin b-complex
-vitamin c - ascorbic acid
-eggshell powder

-catnip infusion
-slippery elm

probiotics powder
salmon oil

1 dose of dandelion during 1st week (2 weeks ago)

nettle ??

marshmallow ??

for the vet

Now playing: Blue October - Amazing
via FoxyTunes

No comments:

Mr. Peeps' labs - a complete look


Result Ref. Range H/L

Reticulocyte Count 0.7 0 - 1 %
Absolute Reticulocyte 37870 0 - 50000 / MM3
*an absolute Reticulocyte count greater than 50,000/mm3 of blood is considered evidence of regenerative anemia.


Alk. Phosphatase 10 0 - 62 U/L
ALT. (SGPT) 29 28 - 100 U/L
AST (SGOT) 25 5 - 55 U/L
CK 573 64 - 440 U/L H
GGT 1 0 - 6 U/L
Albumin 2.9 2.3 - 3.9 g/dL
Total Protein 8.5 5.9 - 8.5 g/dL
Globulin 5.6 3.0 - 5.6 g/dL
Total Bilirubin 0.2 0.0 - .4 mg/dL
Direct Bilirubin 0.1 0.0 - .2 mg/dL
BUN 114 / 114
15 - 34 mg/dL H
Creatinine 6.1 / 5.4
.8 - 2.3 mg/dL H
Cholesterol 245
82 - 218 mg/dL H
Glucose 79 70 - 150 mg/dL
Calcium 10.2 8.2 - 11.8 mg/dL
Phosphorus 10.2 / 8
3.0 - 7.0 mg/dL H
TCO2 (Bicarbonate) 11 13 - 25 mEq/l L
Chloride 115 111 - 125 mEq/L
Potassium 4.4 3.9 - 5.3 mEq/L
Sodium 150 147 - 156 mEq/L
A/G Ratio 0.5 .4 - .8
B/C Ratio 18.7

Indirect Bilirubin 0.1 0 - .3 mg/dL
NA/K Ratio 34

Hemolysis Index N

Lipemia Index N

Anion Gap 28 13 - 27 mEq/L H
T4 1.9 .5 - 5.8 ug/dL

WBC 12.5 4.2 - 15.6 Thous./uL
RBC 5.41 6.0 - 10.0 Million/uL L
HGB 8.2 9.5 - 15 g/dL L
HCT 26.4 / 20
29 - 45 % L
MCV 49 41 - 58 fL
MCH 15.2 11.0 - 17.5 pg
MCHC 31.1 29 - 36 g/dL
Neutrophil SEG 84 35 - 75 % H
Lymphocytes 8 20 - 55 % L
Monocytes 2 1 - 4 %
Eosinophil 6 2 -12 %
Basophil 0 0 - 1 %
Auto Platelet 410 170 - 600 Thous./uL
*Viewed microscopically - no feline hemotropic mycoplasmas seen/Neutrophils appear slightly toxic/Slight Howel Jolly bodies


Neutrophil SEG 10500

Lymphocyte 1000
Monocyte 250

Eosinophil 750

Basophil 0


Color Yellow

Clarity Hazy

Specific Gravity 1.014

Glucose Neg

Bilirubin Neg

Ketones Neg

Blood Neg

PH 6

Protein Neg Neg-Trace
WBC 0-2 0 - 5 HPF
RBC None 0 - 5 HPF
Bacteria Marked (>40/HPF) HPF
EPI Cell Rare (0-1) HPF
Mucus 1+

Casts None HPF
Crystals None HPF
Other Lipid droplets present

Urobilinogen Normal

Thank you Helen

Thank you Helen
for all your hard work on providing us with information on Feline Chronic Renal Failure (CRF)

How to "Subcutaneous fluids"

Mom & Grandpa's Bonanzle!!!